Tesco recently launched a wellbeing and trends report, which shows that 60% of UK adults are prioritising - or will try to prioritise - protein in their diets
World Food Prize nominations are open - awarded to an individual for a significant achievement resulting in a demonstrable increase in the quantity, quality, availability of, or access to food for a large number of people - through creative interventions at any point within the full scope of the food system.
Nature Journal is open for submissions on the topic of 'cultivated meat and alternative protein sources' - including cell lines, tissue engineering, culture media - and alternative protein options that are more ethical and sustainable to feed the growing world population.
Rare Founders demo day is an opportunity to pitch to investors - 100 founders will be preselected to pitch their product - just submit a video recording of your elevator pitch and a five page pitch deck to get started.
The edible insect 'sakondry' is the big hero in exciting new Sustainable Wildlife Management programme that's been launched in Madagascar. The local population are being supported to supplement their diets with this tiny jumping insect - by in turn planting crops of lima beans, which sakondry love to eat.
You've got about a month left to get that entry written for the UK Green Business Awards with a handy Q & A session being held with the judges on Thursday 6 February at 2pm. Possible categories are endless with the circular economy, recycling, small business and supply chain all getting a mention.